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I remember the first time my husband and I tried to get pregnant; it took months and months for us to conceive. I know how painful it was to have to wait and wait. Each month, I remember hoping and praying that this would be the month that I found the little + sign on the stick and that I was pregnant.

God’s timing is not our timing. I know now that if I got pregnant months and months before, I would not have my Micah or my Malia that I have today. You see, there would have been a completely different set of chromosomes and I would have completely different children than my children that I have today. God knows what He’s doing!

I believe that the best thing that you can do is to pray to God to give you that baby that He has planned for you and to trust His timing. He knows when the right time is for you to become pregnant. Sometimes it’s hard to realize that God’s plans are not always our plans. But our Heavenly Father does understand what you are going through and loves you dearly.


If you have been trying to conceive and cannot get pregnant, I encourage to spend time in prayer each day. Our Heavenly Father longs to hear from you and cares about every need that you bring before Him. Come to Him and repent of your personal sins, have a clean heart and listen to what He has to say to you. Ask Him to "Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts." Psalm 139:23.

And in Deuteronomy 30:19-20, it says: “I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live; that you may love the Lord your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days; and that you may dwell in the land which the Lord swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give them.”

Ladies, we need to obey our God, and to come before Him with a clean heart and pray life over our babies and speak blessings over them, not curses.


Here is my prayer for you to pray to Him today:

Dear Heavenly Father,


Please forgive me, Lord for what I have done. Please cleanse my heart and bring anything to my attention that I need to ask You to forgiveness me for. 

Right now, I call heaven and earth as witnesses today, that I speak life over my child and not death, I speak blessings and not curses; I am choosing life, that my descendants may live.  I love you, Lord my God. Help me to obey Your voice, and that I may cling to You, for You are my Life and You determine the length of our days.

Jesus, You are my Messiah, the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings. Please help me to conceive this month and give me a healthy and full term baby. You already know every hair on my child’s head and I take  comfort in those words. I put my faith in You alone, oh Lord.

Help me and my children to follow you all of the days of our lives. Thank you, Jesus.

In Your Beautiful Name I Pray,



I would also like to encourage you to go to our Prayer Request Page 

and send me a note so that I can join you in prayer. I read each and every one!

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

proper diet during pregnancy

One other thing to consider and I do feel strongly about is that God gave us very clear instructions on how to live a healthy lifestyle. If we do not take care of ourselves physically, by eating properly (good nutritious foods), exercising daily, getting enough sleep, and reducing stress, our bodies will break down and may not work properly. We all know that smoking and drinking alcohol is not ok to do during pregnancy. (Honestly, it's not good at any time.)

These can contribute to both infertility and miscarriage.

But please hear this--I am not saying that if you eat healthy and exercise daily, that you will conceive right away or will not miscarry! Only God can determine whether or not we have our babies, but I do believe that He wants us to make a conscience effort to live a healthy life according to His plan and take care of the temple He haas given us. 

If you need some help in this department, please Click here for my free book.

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Thank you. We are praying for you and your baby.

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